Campaign development
Design direction
Social asset creation
THE ADdventre Effect
YHA England & Wales
I love the idea of flipping the script and turning things upside down for dramatic effect. And that’s exactly what the Adventure Effect did - took adventure away from a professional adventurer, to give it to those who need it most.
We were challenged to showcase the YHA as not only a hostel but also a great charity that helps disadvantaged children by facilitating breaks away.
We worked with a group of children who rarely got to experience the outdoors due to their family circumstances. To highlight the importance of adventure, we created a three-day social experiment. We took professional adventurer Alastair Humphreys away from his usual activities and gave five children a unique adventure outside their home, allowing them to see what they could gain from the experience.
The experiment resulted in a mini-documentary, showing the importance of adventure and providing support that underpinned the YHA’s mission.
/ 30s & 20s TVC & digital
/ Targeted GIFs, Instagram Stories, social carousels, YouTube bumpers, DOOH
/ Press ads
// A life changing experience for 6 kids
// Silver medal at the Brand Film Festival// 52% increase in bookings.
// Over 500,000 people reached with no media spend
My Role: Art Director / Design
Agency: Cubo
Creative Director: Nick Moffat
Client Partner: Charlotte Bell
Production: Secret Compass Productions